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"Live Your Best Life!"

I recently had the chance to sit down and talk to a local stay at home mom of three and learn about Beachbody and her experience with the program. Chances are, you have heard about Beachbody somewhere, and you might even know a little about it. But if you have never tried it, thought about maybe giving it a try, or are still not sure if Beachbody is for you, keep on reading because you might learn something new or decide to give it a try!


Shelley, the Beachbody coach of Shelley Holland Fitness (a women only group), says that people can make the time for Beachbody because the majority of the workouts are only 30 minutes long and you can do them in your own home, on your own time, and around your own schedule. Shelley lost 16 pounds in the first 3 months of using Beachbody, and she was even able to lose the weight despite having a hectic lifestyle like most of us have! Beachbody teaches you how to eat right with their portion control containers, get in shape with their on demand workouts, and their Shakeology, what Shelley describes as a "super food shake" that reduces junk food cravings, helps with weight loss, increases energy, and improves digestion and regularity.


I could tell that Shelley was really passionate about Beacbody, what it did for her, and what it can do for other women. "Live Your Best Life!" is her slogan, and she is ready to help other women achieve their best life! She told me that she became a coach because she wants to help other women gain confidence, feel better about themselves, and feel accomplished. She knows that it is important to keep ourselves healthy as moms because it sets a good example for our kids, too! If you are someone who needs a push every now and then to stay on track or encouragement, well Shelley has something for you! Shelley has a private Facebook challenge group for her members and in that group everyone is encouraged, coached, and cheered on! How cool is that? It's like having your own personal cheerleader! Another added benefit to being in her group is that she shares healthy food recipes as well as Shakeology recipes, just like Shelley's favorite Shakeology currently, which is the chocolate flavor mixed then she adds peanut butter, banana, ice, then blends it up! Shakeology comes in a variety of flavors as well as vegan options, so there is something for everyone!


If any of this sounds like it is something for you, then Shelley recommends the Challenge Pack to start off. The Challenge Pack consists of a one year subscription to Beachbody on Demand, which are the workout videos, portion control containers for measuring your food, and a 30 day supply of Shakeology. You, of course, also get Shelley as your coach and your personal cheerleader who wants you to succeed! This pack is currently on sale for $160, and if you break that down for lets say a month, that's about $5 a day. Think about how much you spend on junk food or coffee daily.... personally, I would fall into the coffee category.... I know I drink wayyy to much coffee and spend way too much money on coffee! =0 But making that comparison is an eye opener! Have any questions for Shelley or want Shelley to be your coach? Check out Shelley Holland Fitness!


Keep in mind that Beachbody is for all ages and for your own personal goals like weight loss, toning, being healthy and making time for you........ so that you can Live Your Best Life!


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