How do positive affirmations improve children's wellbeing? It might not seem like a few words can make much of a difference, but positive affirmations can be life-changing!
So what are positive affirmations?
Affirmations are positive phrases or statements that you say to yourself to challenge unhelpful or negative thoughts. You may choose to use them to motivate yourself, encourage positive changes or boost your self-esteem. They are positive words that are absorbed by the mind to create your belief system.
Examples of positive affirmations for children
I am perfect just the way I am.
I am enough
It's okay to make mistakes
I am an amazing person
I am happy
I forgive people
I use kind words to express my feelings
I treat others the way I like to be treated
I learn from my mistakes
I am grateful for all that I have
Helpful tips
Affirmations are the most powerful when we say the words to ourselves when looking into a mirror.
Affirmations are more effective when repeated and it's best to repeat the words 3 times, saying the words louder and with more confidence each time.
Write a long list of their qualities to help boost their confidence and help them to recognize their values.
Use them to help children be the best that they can be and to nurture happy and positive feelings.
Never should affirmation cards be used for punishment, in time out, in relation to any bad behavior, or bring a negative tone to them.
Children using affirmations under the age of when they're not yet reading, can be read the words by their parents for them to repeat.
It is a good idea to talk to your children about how to use an affirmation so they understand what they are for and how they work. Keep it fun and encouraging.
Another way to introduce them to your children is to place affirmation cards around the house in areas that they will see them, such as on the mirror in the bathroom.
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